Friday 28 October 2011, 10:09
In the progress of makin my prints
Yep, I'm making stuff to hang in my new room. Which the new house will be done by December, so I have to come down with a design for my walls and prints and posters I'll be hangin near my work station. :)

Currently workin on a semi-realism in a different style. Frankly I like this style, reminds me of Feimo's. XD

Gonna paint my kitty Tofu in this one. Yes my kitty's name is Tofu. D: click to view my work station for this.. LOL

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Taikyo is a college student with the hobbies of drawing, cooking, and reading. Tai likes to laze about at times and it takes awhile until something is submitted from this lazy bum.
Right now you are viewing Taikyo's WIP blog for all in the process of finishing or sketches that were done quickly. Hope you like them and enjoy your stay... Taikyo is still a rookie compared to the others out there....




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